WELCOME! Join us for Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
Westminster and First Presbyterian are worshipping together at Westminster – January through March
WELCOME! Join us for Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
Westminster and First Presbyterian are worshipping together at Westminster – January through March
Livestream Services
No matter where you are, we welcome all people to worship with Westminster. Click below to access our livestream.
SUNDAYS at 9:30 am
Inviting All,
Exploring Faith,
Experiencing God
SUNDAYS AT 9:30 AM | 2155 University Ave., Dubuque, IA 52001
Have questions? We have the answers!
We are located on the corner of University Ave and Loras Blvd. right here in Dubuque Iowa!
Every Sunday at 9:30am we invite those who are able to come worship with our community. Our livestream is available at the exact same time, Sunday at 9:30am. Click on the link right above on our site, or follow us on Facebook.
The entrance to our parking lot is located on Loras Blvd., and the arrows will direct you on where to enter and exit.
At Westminster, children and youth have plenty of opportunities on Sunday to learn more about God and the Bible. We offer Faith Exploration on Sunday evenings for all ages during the school year, where children, youth and adults learn about their faith through Bible stories, games, discussion art and music. During the service, a children's message is offered that relates to the day's sermon. Click on the button below to be directed to these wonderful opportunities for your kids.
As you walk into the doors at Westminster Prebyterian Church, you are warmly greeted by our welcome staff. They will direct you to our sign-in table. Worship Bulletins will be available for pick-up on the tables in the back. Westminster is a welcoming community, so we invite you to have a seat wherever you are most comfortable.
A prelude begins with our uplifting music. The music at Westminster is a staple for our vibrant community, and it always creates an environment of peace and joy. Following our prelude, our Pastor welcomes you, and will invite you to respond to our Call to Worship while you greet those around you. Then, we have our opening prayer and hymn. In addtion, we have our invitation to and prayer of confession. Following this is Assurance of God's Forgiveness and a response sung by the entire congregation.
Children are a wonderful part of our Church, and during the service, our Pastor speaks to those younger disciples. They are invited forward to sit in the front pew, and the Pastor builds upon their knowledge of the life of Jesus. Then, our Pastor will give her sermon to the entire congreation and read scripture.
As we finish our worship with one another, we have more hymns, Joys & Concerns, Prayers of the People, The Lord's Prayer, Minute for Mission, Invitation to Discipleship, Offertory, Prayer of Thanksgiving, Bendiction, and finally a postlude.
The services at Westminster last about an hour long, and you can easily follow along in our bulletins. We are very excited to worship with you!
It is a simple and easy process, and we would love to connect with you!
if you would like to become a member, email us at wpcdbq@gmail.com, or call our office M-Th from 9am-2pm at (563) 583-1729. Also, you can talk with us after worship on Sundays at 9:30am, and we can help you be a part of our amazing community!
Visit our Community page for insights on all of the groups you can join! Click Below!
Contact our Church for more details, or to be a part of any group. Everyone is welcome!
To give online, you can access the link below. If you would like to give in person, you can place an offering in any of our baskets. Lastly, if you would like to send an offering in the mail, our address is 2155 University Ave., Dubuque, IA 52001. Thank you for all your contibutions to Westminster!