We have a class for all ages.
Join us as we grow in our faith together.
We have a class for all ages.
Join us as we grow in our faith together.
Children’s Church – Ages 3 – Grade 3 (Children leave after children’s sermon during the 9:30 am service for nursery and church school)
Nursery available until Noon
The beginnings of God’s relationship with the world and humankind based on Genesis 1-11, led by Rev. Marsha Wilfong.
Familiar stories (Noah and the flood and the Tower of Babel) with a fresh perspective. All are welcome!
Nine Week Session with two options:
• Wednesdays, Sept. 18 – Nov. 13, 1:30–2:30 pm, Bethany Home (Molinare Room)
• Thursdays, Sept. 19 – Nov. 14, 11:00 am-Noon, Westminster (Board Room)
• 3 year old to 3rd Grade activities
• 4th – 6th Grade Activities and Faith Curriculum
• 7th – 12th Grade Activities and Faith Curriculum
• Adult Classes
• Moms on Fire Group
Join us for "Moms on Fire," a weekly Sunday evening gathering of Dubuque moms who offer love, support, and encouragement. Each week we will share a free meal and provide free childcare so you can plug in and recharge!
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36
Some of the Adult classes this fall will emphasize Community Awareness and how to truly live out the gospel of Matthew 25. Learn more about your community and join in the excitement for one or all of our programs.
Sept 8 The Presentation Lantern’s Center – Megan Ruiz and Ann Lorenz
“..I was a stranger and you welcomed me..”
The Center is a drop-in center offering hospitality, educational opportunities, and advocacy to adult immigrants, especially women, who are striving to better their lives. Learn about how, with just an hour or two a week, the willingness to read to a child or be a friendly face who is open for conversation to practice with someone who is working on improving their English ... you can truly change a life.
Sept 15 The Dubuque City Mission – Theresa Caldwell
“I was hungry and you gave me food”
Learn about hunger and food insecurity in Dubuque.
SEPT 22 Piano music of Florence Price – Dr Luke Tyler
Come and enjoy a fun night! Dr Luke Tyler will host a presentation of several piano works by 20th Century American composer, Florence Price (1887-1953). Dr. Tyler will examine how Price’s experience as a Black woman in the 20th-century America influenced her music and activism.
SEPT 29 Israel, Palestine, Gaza and the Church – Amgad Beblawi
Westminster will be hosting Amgad Beblawi, Executive Presbyter for the Presbyteries of North Central Iowa, Des Moines and Prospect Hill. Amgad previously served as Coordinator of the PC (USA) Mission Partnership to Europe and the Middle East. Recently Amgad returned from a Presbyterian delegation to Palestine-Israel which will be part of his report. ALL area congregations and the public are invited. The presentation will be in the sanctuary from 6:00 – 7:30pm in our sanctuary.
Oct. 6, 13 and 20 – Mental Health First Aide – Beth McCaw, UDTS
Do you want to feel more confident in supporting those who may be struggling with despair, addition, suicidal thoughts, depression or anxiety? The good news is that each of us can learn information and basic skills to confidently handle that first contact for someone in need.
4:30 pm – Session begins
5:30 pm – Break for meal
6–7:00 pm – Session resumes
$30 cost per participant for materials and certification (Financial assistance available)
Registration is required. Click here to sign up, or stop by the church office.